Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shivraj Patil defends himself

Is Mr Patil weak? Any weak kneed person would have given up the post long time ago. It needs a person of thick skin to waive off the death of 5000+ Indians (97% Hindus) and say, my leader (Sonia) has confidence in me. What about the victims of terrorist attacks Mr Patil? What about the orphaned children? what about the widows? What about the families that now are cursed with a life of poverty because they lost their bread winner? What confidence should they have in you Mr Patil?

Shivraj Patil reacts to being perceived as a weak Home Minister.

New Delhi, Sept 25 (PTI) “If I shriek and shout, if I abuse people, if I frighten you or if I misuse law, will I become a strong Home Minister?” This was Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil’s response when he was asked during an interview to ETV to comment why he was perceived as a weak home minister. Patil, who has come under flak for the way internal security has been handled, described terrorists as “misguided brothers” and said everybody was the fruit from the same seed.

“Some brothers are misguided and some reformed. Some are cunning and some simple,” he said.
The Home Minister had raised eyebrows for changing three sets of clothes on the night of Delhi blasts earlier this month. He had reacted to such reports saying “Main so gaya, main patte khel raha hoon, main daru peeke baitha hoon, main dance club jaata hoon toh aap mujhe dosh dijiye (Blame me if I am sleeping (on the job), playing cards, drinking and whiling away time and frequenting dance clubs)”.

Patil, in the course of the interview, wondered how he could be dubbed as a weak home minister when during his tenure in North Block the number of incidents and casualties in terrorist acts and other violence have come down and law and order has improved. “Figures will bear testimony to what I am saying but still I am termed as weak,” he said.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why should all Hindus join the RSS?

Who will protect hindus and hinduism from the Indian government? Recent terrorist attacks and the Government of India's non-response have clearly shown that the GOI has no interest in protecting hindus, who constitute 97% victims of terrorism in India. The words and actions of Congressi-UPA-Sonia Miano government show that they think 5,000+ dead hindus are definitely worth their muslim votebank.

Who will protect the hindus from the murdering missionaries?
The brutal killing of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati & the gross insults heaped on hindu gods by missionaries in mangalore show that hindus are under attack in India. The missionaries will do whatever it takes, including murdering hindus in order to convert them and destroy hinduism.

The Vatican speaks for the christians, the Wahhabi Maulvis speak for the muslims, who will protect the hindus? The Govt of India? think again!
Which organization has always been in the forefront protecting hindu rights? Which Organization helped hindus with resettlement after the murderous partition riots? Which organization comes at the fore every time there are natural disasters in Bharatvarsha? Which organization is working with tribals, children's education, women's welfare and provides relief without asking people to convert first? The RSS. It's time ALL hindus joined the RSS.

If you want to remain hindu in India, join the RSS. If you want India to remain hindu, join the RSS. If you want your children to be able to freely practice hinduism in India without fear of persecution, join the RSS. If you want to pay homage to the sacrifices made by millions of hindus in the face of the brutal Islamic persecution and crude Macaulay degradation in preserving their Sanatana Dharma, join the RSS.

Sangathan mein hain dum !

Thus Far And No Further - B Raman

The events in New Delhi since the terrorist strike by the so-called Indian Mujahideen (IM) on September 13, 2008, which killed 26 innocent civilians, should be a matter of concern for all right-thinking Indians.

The pent-up anger of large sections of our society over the helplessness and ineptitude of Shivraj Patil, the home minister of the government of India, who occupies a position similar to that of the British home secretary and the secretary for homeland security in the US, burst out with many demands either for his resignation from the Cabinet of Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh or for his dismissal if he refused to resign.

Neither happened. Patil brazenly said: "There is no question of my resigning so long as I retain the confidence of my leader." Whom did he mean by "my leader"? Dr.Manmohan Singh? No. Sonia Gandhi. He himself said so. What he said amounted to his asserting that so long as Sonia Gandhi had confidence in him, he did not have to worry about Manmohan Singh, who cannot touch him, or about the hundreds of innocent civilians, who have been killed by the jihadi terrorists in recent months.....

Dasmunshi did not stop with debunking his own Prime Minister and others who spoke of the need for additional laws to deal with jihadi terrorism. He even ridiculed the concerns of the public over the recurring jihadi terrorist strikes across the country. The same issue of The Hindu has quoted him as saying : "Can anyone predict a terrorist strike? No government can prevent it." So, to go by his words, the innocent civilians of this country have no other option but to keep dying at the hands of the jihadi terrorists.

The events of the past few days have further indicated--if further indication was necessary--as to who lays down the counter-terrorism policy of this country against jihadi terrorism.

Sonia Gandhi? No.

The Prime Minister of India? No.

The Home Minister of India? No.

The intelligence chiefs? No.

The police chiefs? No.

It is laid down by some of the leaders of the Muslim community themselves. They indicate the dos and don'ts and the government does not have the courage to go against them. There is a systematic attempt by some of the leaders of the Muslim community to ridicule the results of the police investigation into the activities of the IM. The police are accused of fabricating evidence and of targeting innocent Muslim youth in order to discredit Islam and the Muslim community. Everytime a suspected jihadi terrorist is sought to be arrested by the police, these leaders and some of the members of the community rally to his support. They either try to prevent him from being arrested or if the police manage to arrest, to frustrate his interrogation by making allegations of targeting the Muslim community in order to discredit it......

Fortunately, we are a democratic country. At the time of voting, every voter should have before his or her eyes the pictures of the death and destruction being caused right across the country by the jihadis and the faces of Sharma and other similar brave officers of the security forces, who have sacrificed their lives in the fight against jihadi terrorists despite the lack of support from the so-called secular political class.

Every vote in the forthcoming elections should be a vote against jihadi terrorism and against the political leaders who are not prepared to act against the jihadi terrorists.Let there be an anti-jihadi tsunami against all of them.

Thus far and no further--that is the message that should go across to the jihadi terrorists and their political backers and secular apologists.

B. Raman is Additional Secretay (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai

Conversions: Faith in the closet - Shreerang Godbole

Conversions: Faith in the closet
Shreerang Godbole
22 Sep 2008

Post-Kandhamal, post-Mangalore, the issue of conversions has taken centre-stage. “Christians are a persecuted, hapless minority”; “How can a minority that accounts for less than 2.5% of the population pose a threat to the 84% Hindus of the country?” is the general refrain. “If Christian missionaries had been indulging in large-scale conversions, how has the Christian percentage remained virtually static in the last two censuses” is the seemingly compelling argument.

The Christian percentage that stood at 2.32 in the 1991 census was virtually static at 2.35 in Census 2001. In fact, a state like Andhra Pradesh presents a strange phenomenon in religious demography. Since 1971, there has been a steady decline in the share of Christian population in the state. The Christian population in Andhra had increased steadily for more than a century from the time of “mass movements” in 1860s till 1970. The Christian population increased by 2.5 percentage points from 1.7% in 1911 to 4.2% in 1971.

However, there has been a steady decline in the share of Christians since then, as recorded in every decadal census. As per Census 2001, the share of Christians came down to 1.6%. In fact, the Christian population even declined in absolute numbers, from about 180,000 in 1971 to about 120,000 in 2001. The decline in the share of Christians during 1971-2001 is seen in all regions of Andhra Pradesh, though it is most marked in the middle and southern coastal districts – the largest decline being observed in Guntur district (14.6% in 1971 to 3.0% in 2001).

Yet Hindu organizations routinely allege that Andhra Pradesh has emerged as a hotbed of Christian activities. The annual report of the Ministry of Home Affairs, March 2007, lends credence to Hindu apprehensions. According to the report, for the year 2005-2006, three metropolitan cities namely Chennai (Rs. 7530.83 million), Bangalore (Rs. 4640.97 million) and Mumbai (Rs. 4400.47 million) reported the highest district-wise receipt of foreign contribution in the country.

Next in line are two districts in Andhra Pradesh - Ananthapur (Rs. 2880.11 million) and Hyderabad-Secunderabad (Rs. 2360.84 million). In the last four decades, Andhra Pradesh has consistently been one of the top three states to receive such mind-boggling foreign aid. A couple of years ago, Christian organizations had become bold enough to swarm the seven hills of Lord Venkateshwara to hawk their creed, but had to beat a retreat when Hindu society launched a staunch protest. Outside of the north-east, Andhra Pradesh is the only state in India to have a Christian Chief Minister. How does one explain the curious paradox of an apparent spurt in conversion activities and a static, sometimes even declining Christian share in the population?

The answer becomes obvious when one takes the trouble of studying Christian strategy and statistics – statistics provided by authoritative mission documents. Every year Christian churches spend billions of dollars to maintain a head-count of their flock. This aids the massive evangelistic enterprise of global Christianity. The Center for the Study of Global Christianity, at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts, brings out the World Christian Encyclopedia (Oxford University Press, 1982; 2d ed., 2001) and World Christian Trends (William Carey Library, 2001).

In addition, an annual update of many of the statistics in this report is produced every January in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research. The 2001 report states that of the estimated 1.88 billion professing Christians worldwide, an estimated 124 million or 6.2% are crypto-Christians or those who conceal their faith. We need not swallow everything churned out by this seminary. As the report itself notes, “Christian triumphalism – not as pride in huge numbers, but as publicized self-congratulation – is rampant in most churches, agencies, and ministries… some 250 of the 300 largest international Christian organizations regularly mislead the Christian public by publishing demonstrably incorrect or falsified progress statistics.” Nevertheless, there is no doubt that a significant number of Christians worldwide keep their faith in the closet.

Concealing one’s faith – and double-crossing one’s pre-Christian faith – has a hoary Biblical tradition. In the Gospel of John, we come across a character called Nicodemus who was a ‘closet disciple’ of Jesus Christ. Nicodemus was a Pharisee (a group of Jews whom the New Testament typically depicts as being self-righteous and arrogant because of their disbelief) and a member of the Sanhedrin or the Supreme Court of the ancient Jews which tried and found Jesus guilty. Without renouncing his Judaism explicitly, Nicodemus had met Jesus at night and subsequently took care of his corpse.

In later centuries, Christians have taken recourse to subterfuge to practice their faith. When Francis Xavier brought Roman Catholicism to Japan in 1549, most of the inhabitants of Ikitsuki Island left Buddhism and became Christians. Recognizing the threat that Christianity posed to Japan and her traditions, Hideyoshi and the other shogun all but stamped out Christianity. Adopting a complex sham, the Christians of Ikitsuki worshipped publicly at Buddhist temples, and then slipped away at night to hold secret Christian prayer meetings. At home, they prayed overtly before Buddhist and Shinto altars, but their real altar became the nan do garni (closet god), innocuous-looking bundles of cloth in which Christian statues and medallions were hidden.

For two and a half centuries, the Christian faith was transmitted secretly to illiterate peasants. These Janus-faced people came to be known as Kakure Kirishitan (crypto-Christians). In 1865, when Japan permitted a Catholic church to open in Nagasaki to serve Western visitors, the Kakure, then numbering around 30,000 in the region, suddenly came out of hiding. To this day, at public ceremonies such as Kakure funerals, a Buddhist priest is always asked to officiate, but the Kakure make sure to make a secret prayer to erase the effect of the Buddhist priest!

Crypto-Christians are numerous in places where Christianity gets a taste of the maltreatment it usually metes out to others. Thus, Chinese law requires all churches to be registered with government-run Christian associations. Members of so-called underground churches are imprisoned, ‘re-educated,’ and sometimes executed. China’s official census enumerates 10 million Protestants and 4 million Roman Catholics. But reliable estimates place the actual number of Protestants in China at 39 million and that of Roman Catholics at 14 million.

In Saudi Arabia, foreign Christians generally only worship in secret within private homes. They are careful to keep Bibles, crucifixes and religious statues away from public gaze. While the Church-inspired United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, a creature of the US State Department, makes routine noises against the Saudis, it is not known to have recommended denial of US visas to visiting Saudi dignitaries!

The existence, indeed proliferation, of crypto-Christians in India is a fact acknowledged by the Church. The World Christian Trends (2001) has placed the number of persons affiliated to the Church in India at 62243546 or 6.1%. In short, the number of Christians in India is nearly thrice the official census figure! The document places the share of crypto-Christians in the total Christian population at a staggering 62%!

In 2002, the American mission agency Global Mapping International asked Patrick Johnstone, author of Operation World, a prayer handbook which documents demographics and mission activity in many countries, to list the seven most encouraging trends of the 1990’s. “The astonishing and mostly undocumented growth of the church in India - the official numbers (2.34% Christians in 1991) are far lower than the truth, deliberately hiding the true extent of Christianity in the nation. The true figures are certainly far more than double, and look like only the beginning. The ‘untouchable’ Dalits have started leaving Hinduism, which could lead to an immense growth of Indian churches” was Johnstone’s gleeful reply.

So why do so many Christians in India conceal their faith, given that the rulers are Christian-friendly? The present Constitutional provision that limits the benefits available to Scheduled Castes only to Hindus (including Sikhs and Buddhists) is a major hurdle. This has created a peculiar breed of Christians with dual identity. They attend the Church but are identified by their Hindu names and castes in the Government records.

No wonder Christian leaders are vigorously demanding continuation of benefits to Scheduled Castes even after conversion. Not so long ago, Church leaders heaped abuse on the institution of caste, calling it a strictly Hindu phenomenon and claimed that conversion to Christianity would ensure social equality. That argument is passé. “Scheduled Caste converts face the same social disabilities as their Hindu counterparts” is the new mantra. Another reason to hide conversions is the fear that awareness of the grim reality would jolt Hindus into action. If events in Kandhamal and Mangalore are any indication, the grandiose ambitions of the Church to ‘claim India for Christ’ already seem doomed.

Dr. Shreerang Godbole is a Pune-based endocrinologist, social activist and author. He has contributed in making

Monday, September 22, 2008

Christian-Missionary Raj in India thru Sonia (Miano) Gandhi

Are we heading towards a Christian India ? Francois Gautier
I am a westerner and a born Christian. I was mainly brought up in catholic schools, my uncle, Father Guy Gautier, a gem of a man, was the parish head of the beautiful Saint Jean de Montmartre church in Paris ; my father, Jacques Gautier, a famous artist in France, and a truly good person if there ever was one, was a fervent catholic all his life, went to church nearly every day and lived by his Christian values. There are certain concepts in Christianity I am proud of : charity for others, the equality of system in many western countries, Christ’s message of love and compassion….
Yet, I am a little uneasy when I see how much Christianity is taking over India under the reign of Sonia Gandhi : according to a 2001 census, there are about 2.34 million Christians in India ; not even 2,5% of the nation, a negligible amount. Yet there are today five Christian chief ministers in Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.
One should add that the majority of politicians in Sonia Gandhi’s closed circle are either Christians or Muslims. She seems to have no confidence in Hindus.Ambika Soni, a Christian, is General Secretary of the Congress and a very powerful person, with close access to Sonia Gandhi. Oscar Fernandes is Union Programme Implementation Minister. Margaret Alwa is the eminence grise of Maharasthra. Karnataka is virtually controlled by AK Anthony, whose secretaries are all from the Southern Christian association. Valson Thampu, a Hindu hater, is Chairman NCERT curriculum Review Committee, John Dayal, another known Hindu baiter, has been named by Sonia Gandhi in the National Integration Council ; and Kancha Ilaya, who hates Hindus, is being allowed by the Indian Government to lobby with the UN and US Congress so that caste discrimination in India is taken-up by these bodies. ( One can also add to list Ajit jogi, and Digvijay Singh both christian converts & also Pranoy Roy, his niece Arundhati 'suzanna' roy )

I have nothing personnally against Sonia Gandhi, in fact she probably is a good person to win the alliegance of so many and certainly a loving mother . I share with her a love for India, like her I have lived in this country for over 30 years and like her I have married an Indian. But nevertheless, since she is at the top, Christian conversions in India seem to have gone in overdrive. More than 4,000 foreign Christian missionaries are involved in conversion activities across different states. In Tripura, there were no Christians at independence, there are 120.000 today, a 90% increase since 1991. The figures are even more striking in Arunachal Pradesh, where there were only 1710 Christians in 1961, but 1,2 million today, as well as 780 churches! In Andhra Pradesh, churches are coming-up every day in far flung villages and there was even an attempt to set-up one near Tirupati. Many of the North-East separatist movements, such as the Mizo or the Bodos, are not only Christian dominated, but also sometimes function with the covert backing of the missionaries. In Kerala, particularly in the poor coastal districts, you find “miracle boxes” put in local churches: the gullible villager writes out a paper mentionning his wish: a fising boat, a loan for a pukka house, fees for the son’s schooling… And lo, a few weeks later, the miracle happens ! And of course the whole family converts, making others in the village follow suit. During the Tsunami, entire dalit villages in Tamil Nadu were converted to Christianity with the lure of money.
It is true that there have been a few backlashes against missionnaries and nuns, particularly the gruesome muder of Staines and his two sons. But Belgium historian Konenraad Elst laments that « When over a thousand Hindus are killed and a quarter million Hindus ethnically cleansed in Kashmir, the world media doesn't even notice, but watch the worldwide hue and cry when a few local riots take place and a few missionaries are killed by unidentified tribal miscreants. Christian Naga terrorists have been killing non-Christians for decades on end, and this has never been an issue with the world media, except to bewail the "oppression" of the Nagas by "Hindu India" ». More than 20,000 people have lost their lives to insurgency in Assam and Manipur in the past two decades. As recently as last week, four paramilitary Assam Rifles soldiers were killed in an ambush yesterday by the outlawed United National Liberation Front (UNLF).
The other day I was at the Madras Medical center, the foremost heart hospital in Madras. Right when you enter the lobby, you find a chapel, inviting everybody to pray, there are pictures and quotations of Christ everywhere and a priest visits all the patients, without being invited at all. Educational institutes and orphanages run by Christian organisations have become big business in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and other states. In Pondichery, where I am often, schools run by Adventists force their pupils, mostly Hindus, to say Christian prayers every day and attend mass. They are constantly fed anti Hindu slogans and biases under different forms, whether it is in history books, or discourses by priests during religious classes. Even in the elite schools or colleges, such as Saint Stephen in Delhi, Saint Xavier in Calcutta or Loyola college in Madras, where no direct proletization is attempted, Hindu pupils are subtly encouraged towards skepticism of their own religion, and admiration of whatever is Western. One should also say that it’s a one way traffic : remember the furor when MM Joshi wanted the Saraswati hymn to be sung at a Chief Ministers’ meet on education ? And imagine the uproar in secular India if portions of the Bhagavad Gita, this Bible for all humanity, were read at the beginning of the day in public schools ?
Sonia Gandhi said during the last National Integration Council meeting : « We are committed to ideological battle against communal forces which seek to destroy our diversity and polarise us. Certain parties promote polarisation and confrontation. And there are certain regimes in India which promote communalism ». But is not actually the Congress under Mrs Gandhi, which is promoting communalism, by insidiously installing Christians and Muslims (and Marxists) everywhere, propping up Christian states, allowing a free hand too missionnaries and pressing for reservations for Christian Dalits and Muslims, as recently done in AP, in a nation of 850 million Hindus ?
In my country, France, a Christian majority nation , it would be unthinkable to have Hindus – or even Indian born French for that matter – in so many positions of power. Impossible also to find a non-elected, non French, non-Christian person being the absolute ruler of the country behind the scene as Sonia Gandhi is in India. Indians like to say that the greatness of India is that it accepts a foreigner and a Christian like Sonia Gandhi. But is’nt it rather a weakness, and an aberration ? Can’t we find a worthy leader amongst one billion Indians ? This is an India where you see today Swami Avimukteshwarananda Saraswati of Dwarka Peeth, made to disembark from an Indian Airlines flight for carrying his holy dand, a thin bamboo stick which is a symbol of their spiritual designation, inside the aircraft cabin.
Are we heading then towards a Christian India under Sonia Gandhi’s helm? It would be a tremendous loss not only to India, but also to the world. For in India, you find the only living spirituality left on this planet.
François Gautier

Friday, September 19, 2008

'Jammu and Kashmir's accession to India unquestionable'

"There is no basis on which any change in the political status of Jammu and Kashmir could be considered. The UN itself has accepted that in the vastly changed circumstances the UN Resolutions of 1948 and 1949 are no longer relevant," they said in a statement released Thursday.

The signatories to the statement include Essel group chairman Subhash Chandra, Maj Gen Afsir Karim (retd), former Intelligence Bureau director Ajit Doval, journalist M.J. Akbar, former home secretary Anil Baijal, former diplomat G Parthasarthy, Lt General R K Sahwney (retd), Air Chief Marshal S P Tyagi (retd) and Vikram Sood, a former head of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

UPA is only passing time in office: Modi

BANGALORE: At BJP's national executive, Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi has been at the centre of action, delivering a much-noticed speech to his colleagues and leading a sharp attack on the government's handling of internal security. TOI asked Modi about the media projecting him as a BJP mascot, a rung below L K Advani.

Q: Don't you feel your work in Gujarat is almost over and it is time you moved to the national scene? A: As far as a chief minister is concerned, he is part of national politics, whether he is from Gujarat or elsewhere. As far as working for Gujarat's development is concerned, I feel sky is the limit. There can be no full stops to developmental work... innovation and initiatives are always required. You cannot fulfil people's needs in one lifetime.

Q: But as an individual you may want to do more at the national level. If you are asked to head the party, will you want to do it? A: When Atal Bihari Vajpayee was PM, Venkaiah Naiduji was party president, when Advaniji is the prime ministerial candidate, Rajnath Singhji is looking after the party! As far as organisational work is concerned, when I reach the bridge, I will cross it. Q: What is your opinion on BJP's prospects? A: BJP is at the centrestage. It is ahead in terms of leadership. Probably, India does not have another leader like Advaniji who has visited 400 districts in the course of his long political career and that is why he understands real issues and problems. Organisationally, BJP is the biggest in the country now and in power in most important states except Uttar Pradesh. Alongwith its NDA partners, it shares power in important states. As opposed to this, the present government at the Centre is a faceless one, meaning it has no issues, achievements or individuals that it can be identified with. They (UPA) are only passing time. It cannot control inflation it is the first government whose decisions one after the other has been overruled by SC. For the first time, we have a government that says something in Parliament and in the US, George Bush says something else. It protects terrorists. It repealed POTA, it has been denying legislations like GUJCOCA, national security is an issue today.

Q: You mentioned UP which is dominated by SP and BSP. Do you have a formula to improve things for your party in the state? A: The Congress was dominant in UP which is why the state was always very closely connected to national politics. The people of UP want to be part of the national mainstream. I am hopeful of drastic changes in UP this time.

Q: Congress is setting out on Navnirman yatra in Gujarat? A: Interestingly, Chimanbhai Patel was accused in the Navnirman scam, and today his son is heading a rathyatra in the state and calling it Navnirman yatra. What should I say after this. And, for the last 20 years, Congress hated raths and rathyatras, but now they are having to follow BJP's footsteps and set out on a rathyatra.

Q: Do you feel the need for a image makeover for acceptability at the national level? A: Image makeover? If I serve other people, I can't be thinking of my image. I'm working for the image of Gujarat and branding of Gujarat. I don't have time to think about my own image.

Of thick hides and soft underbelly - P R Ramesh

...Patil is part of a government that has internalised the tripe that it is poverty, inadequate education and lack of development that breeds terrorism. The government leadership is naïve enough to believe that the country can get rid of the problem through Sachar committee recommendations, a few scholarships in universities and providing first right to resources. If the government and its cronies were to be believed, a bit of education and some prosperity will wean jehadis away from their current aim of the establishment of a world-wide Caliphate. Anyone who questions this dim-witted approach is termed a sub-human or at best, a rightist reactionary, whose voice should not be heard. ..,curpg-2.cms

BJP FOR 2009!

BJP for 2009 !

hum delhi delhi jayenge,
hum apna hind baneyenge,
sari Congressi kaum ka,
hum namo-nishan mitayenge!

Terror vote bank: The secular fear factor - CJ: krishnabaalu

AS PREDICTED a long ago, that there is going to be a terror vote bank in India to serve our pseudo secular political parties like the Congress, Samajwadi Party (SP), Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), Communist Party (CPI), Communist Party Marxist (CPM) etc, if the trend of pseudo secularism was allowed to dance beyond a point of tolerance.The fear has come true today.
If the spine chilling headline in The Hindu ( September 15, 2008), is an indication towards this fear, then it is here to hold our breath for a while.
UP stalled action in Delhi blast
It is neither Pakistan, nor Bangladesh and nor Nepal that is stalling action against Delhi terror suspects, but it is our own heartland of Uttar Pradesh (UP), preventing the cops from arresting the Delhi blast suspects who are reportedly hiding in UP, giving the reason, that it might fuel communal clashes....

Pakistan may move WB against India over Chenab water

Islamabad, Sept 17 (PTI) Pakistan will seek arbitration by the World Bank over India's alleged violation of the Indus Water Treaty India if New Delhi did not concede the breach of the pact, a report said today.Islamabad had claimed that, in "gross violations of the Indus Water Treaty," India reduced the water flow to fill up the Baglihar dam lake in Jammu and Kashmir, causing to a "loss of agriculture" for farmers in Pakistan.

Orissa to change law relating to religious freedom

Orissa government on Monday said religious conversion was one of the factors behind the unrest in tribal-dominated Kandhamal district and promised to change the state's law relating to religious freedom."Religious conversion is certainly an issue in Kandhamal. We will deeply study the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act and make changes where required," state Home Secretary T. K. Mishra told after a review meeting in Bhubaneswar.

India deploys Sukhoi jets in Kashmir

According to Air Marshal PK Barbora, the Kashmiri deployment should "enable combat pilots to adapt to changing circumstances and environments in a responsive manner". An unnamed air force official termed the move "defensive", and explained that the planes "had [previously] been held deep down our strategic corridor in Pune".

SIMI's 'success' is a result of our secular polity

The Students Islamic Movement of India, Wikipedia informs us, was formed in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh [Images], in April 1977. The stated mission of SIMI [Images] -- the 'liberation of India' from Western materialistic cultural influence and to convert it into an Islamic society -- makes it an enemy of the State of India. ...

...It is time that we need to wage a war, both against such terrorists and those who are apologists for such terrorists. In the interregnum, of course, politicians from the safe haven of Z-plus category security can continue to pontificate. Whether we will be alive to hear them is a different matter.
The author is a Chennai-based chartered accountant. He can be contacted at

Monday, September 15, 2008


Here’s how you can tell the chaprasi in chief, how exactly you feel about his govt’s non-existent ‘fight’ against terror! Feel free to REALLY let him know exactly how you feel, I just did, in choice language, this eunuch deserves no respect!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Modi says Gujarat police warned Centre of terorrists' plan

Modi says Gujarat police warned Centre of terorrists' plan

Bangalore, Sept 13 (ANI): While condemning the serial blasts in Delhi, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the State police had informed the Centre of a detailed plan of the terrorists quite in advance.

While lashing out at the Congress-led UPA for keeping in cold storage the Gujarat Control of Organised Crime bill (GUJCOC) which was pending before the President for the last four years, Modi said, "Those who are less for terror and more for terrorists are the one who opposes GUJCOC and Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance (POTO)."

BJP creating religious divide - Sonia

I'm surprised Ms Miano-Vaticano did not blame the Delhi blasts on the BJP!

BJP creating religious divide ahead of elections - Sonia Gandhi

Sat, Sep 13 10:37 PM

New Delhi, Sep 13 (IANS) With an eye on assembly election in six states, Congress president Sonia Gandhi Saturday blamed the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and other members of the saffron brigade of trying to divide and polarise the country on communal lines.

Addressing the extended Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting here, Gandhi, also the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) chairperson, alleged that the communal violence in Orissa was 'a carefully orchestrated ploy by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its sister organisations to inflame religious prejudices and passions.'

She called on the party-men to expose the 'mischievous designs' of the BJP, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and fight their 'malicious propaganda'.

'Every time their position is weakened, every time elections are around the corner the BJP and its sister organisations launch vicious communal campaign to divide and polarise society, with no regard to loss of lives and livelihoods,' Sonia said.

She urged Congressmen to go out and work hard to sustain the secular ethos of the country.

While condemning the terrorism, the Congress president said: 'We must also never under-estimate the long-term damage that is caused by communal and parochial forces of any kind that incite hatred wilfully and cynically provoke violence.'

The COngress president accused the RSS of advocating division of the troubled Jammu and Kashmir, where stir over bitter Amarnath land row sparked off unprecedented religious riots.

But she added the government would not be 'soft' on the separatists in Kashmir.

'There is no question of pandering to or being soft on separatists,' the Congress president said.

Gandhi hoped the final agreement on the Amarnath land row between the government and Hindu agitators in Jammu would bring peace to the state.

The meeting attended by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, chief ministers of the Congress-ruled states, union ministers and senior party leaders in the meeting held discussions on upcoming assembly polls. Party leaders of poll-bound states of Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir and Mizoram shared their views on how to galvanise the Congress in these states.

Modi strikes back at UPA

Narendra Modi: India at the Crossroads of History

Saturday 13th of September 2008

The Country stands at the cross-roads of an important phase in its life when the government of the day has become a threat to the unity and sovereignty of India.

Historically the RSS, Jana Sangh and the BJP were parties of aggressive nationalism. The Communists, the Muslim league were subversive in their stand on issue of sovereignty and integrity. The Congress had a traditional centrist position on these issues.

During the past few years, the drift in the Congress has strengthened the forces which are out to weaken India. Congress under Mrs. Sonia Gandhi & Dr. Manmohan Singh have drifted the traditional Congress position on national sovereignty.

Analyses of the Congress / UPA functioning reveals the following ten issues were the UPA has seriously compromised national interest. This Government has tried to assault symbols of our national and cultural pride.

1. This government has been soft on terror. It has consistently sent a signal that its softness on terror is minority friendly. The repeal of POTA, the non execution of Afzal Guru, the refusal to give assent to the State level anti-organized crime laws are all evidence of the government's softness on terror. The softness on terror is being used by the UPA as an instrument for vote bank politics.

2. The government has bowed to its allies in agreeing to the demolition of the Ram Sethu. This was done essentially to hurt the majority sentiment in the country.

3. The decision to withdraw allotment of land to the Sri Amaranathji Shrine Board was an evidence of the government bending backwards to appease the separatist. The UPA government wanted to please the separatist even at the cost of alienating the nationalist.

4. The illegal immigrants from Bangladesh continue to invade India. The Government of India and the UPA don't perceive these illegal immigrants as a threat to the sovereignty and demography of India. They prefer to use these immigrants as a vote bank.

5. The Supreme Court quashed both the IMDT Act and "The Foreigner's (Control) Order Amendments” since they were intended to make detection of Foreigners' impossible. The UPA has failed to introduce a proper mechanism for foreigners' detection.

6. Three constituents of the UPA, the Samajwadi Party, the RJD and LJP have openly supported SIMI and the Congress continuous to maintain a relationship with them.

7. Religious conversion by missionaries is been protected and increased even though it has an adverse impact on demography and creates social tensions. The proposal to grant reservations to Dalit Christians and Muslims is intended to incentives conversion.

8. The Sachar Commission recommendation intended to introduce Communal budgeting in India and initiate reverse discrimination against the majority are now sought to be implemented.

9. Religion based reservations have no place in our Constitutional system. Yet the UPA has been trying to introduce religion based reservations in states ruled by the UPA.

10. The Indo-US nuclear deal seriously compromises national security in as much as it limits our testing option particularly when China and Pakistan have nuclear potentials.

As against this our state governments particularly in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh are the only ones which have succeeded in resolving terrorist crimes. The Chattisgarh government has launched a crusade against Naxalism.

In Gujarat our police intelligence and investigating ability is being supported by the state government. Vote bank politics is not allowed to intervene. It is for this reason that the Gujarat police has cracked the recent Ahmedabad blast case.

We are handicapped since Gujarat's anti organized crime law has not been given central clearance. We are being prevented by those who act soft on terror from fighting terror. But we are determined to carry on the battle both against the terrorists and against those who prevent us from fighting terror.

It has been reported in a section of media that the National Security advisor has also supported the Gujarat government's proposal for an anti-terror law namely GUJCOC to fight terror. The Home Ministry has opposed it.

Those concerned about terror obviously support GUJCOC, those concerned about terrorists understandably oppose

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gujarat warming up to concept of alternative power

Gujarat warming up to concept of alternative power

Ahmedabad, September 06 Govt gets proposal for a 100 mw solar power project in Kutch district
With proposals of a 100 mw solar power plant by Euro Ceramics Ltd. and the world’s largest 5,000 mw solar power project by the Clinton Foundation under consideration, Gujarat is all set to take a major leap in new and renewable sources of energy.
The state government has apparently received a proposal by vitrified tiles manufacturer Euro Ceramics Limited to set up the state’s first 100 mw solar power project at Shivlakha village in Kutch district

Why Narendra Modi’s Gujarat address on Teachers day was remarkable

Why Narendra Modi’s Gujarat address on Teachers day was remarkable

The way Modi’s machinery organized Teachers day speech was remarkable and bit historical too, because rarely in India, combination of modern communication technologies and government infrastructure at ground level was used so well, so widely and so effectively by the state government to educate common people on issues like hygiene and cleanliness. Modi was like a teacher in a leader. Modi was like a preached in a leader. Modi was like a doctor in a leader. Modi was like a concern good uncle for children. Modi was like a guiding torch for the teachers in his speech.

Modi proved a highest TRP puller for DD-11. When his Live telecast was on, TRP reached to the highest level for DD-11 in Gujarat which otherwise is a sleepy channel full of low quality repeat telecasts and government red tap.

Modi’s speech was perfectly on this line. He used technology to deliver some needed messages to his people. Mostly on good education and good hygiene. Leaders’ tv telecasts is not a new thing at all. But new thing is how Modi managed and used ground infrastructure of schools through government system across Gujarat.

Video of speech:

US consul skirts Modi visa issue

US consul skirts Modi visa issue

Acknowledging Gujarat as an investment destination with robust economy and good business developing plan, Folmsbee said, "When you talk about India,everyone talks about Gujarat and its booming economy, infrastructure and opportunities for investment. There has been vast improvement in the economic scenario across India, specially in Gujarat, which has done a great job."

Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest

Say it like it is brother…
Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest
brief excerpts..
That New Delhi is its own worst enemy became obvious when it permitted the creation of a pure Islamic State on its borders. This nation-state contradicts every democratic and multi-cultural value dear to India. Therefore, if New Delhi has not slept a wink since the creation of Pakistan, it has no one except itself to blame!
Hence, first we created a state with inbuilt characteristic of fundamentalism and extreme philosophy contrary to our professed beliefs; then the monster in it started ethnic cleansing in the Valley; and engineered demographic changes through Bangladesh in West Bengal, Assam and the Northeast.
At the height of the recent disturbances in the Valley, when a general asked me for a suggestion to resolve the issue, I said: “ Remove Pakistan. The threat will disappear permanently.” Today the collapse of Pakistan as a state is almost certain. All the King’s men cannot save it from itself.
Looking ahead, New Delhi should formulate an appropriate strategy for ‘post-Pakistan scenario’ to secure India’s interests in Central Asia.
It is intriguing, therefore, to hear New Delhi mouthing the falsehood that stable Pakistan is in India’s favour. Perpetuation of such illogic for vote-bank politics is harming the consolidation and integration of the Union.
Short-sighted politicians as usual are overlooking the national interest for the short-term personal gains of a few votes.
The writer is Editor, Indian Defence Review.